CMA CGM Expands Moroccan Operations with Nador Port Deal

CMA CGM has initiated its third port project in Morocco, a rapidly expanding container market in Africa. The French shipping company has partnered with Marsa Maroc, a Moroccan port and terminal operator, to manage half of the new eastern terminal at Nador West Med Port. This northeastern port facility will ultimately have a capacity of 1.2 million TEU once fully operational.
“With four container terminals now in operation at the almost fully built-out Tanger Med port, today the largest container terminal in the Med, Morocco is trying to replicate Tanger’s success story with Nador West Med port as a second West Med hub some 250 km east,” stated Alphaliner analysts.
CMA CGM already has interests in Moroccan ports, including Eurogate Tanger and Somaport in Casablanca, further solidifying its presence in the region’s shipping infrastructure.