Crude Oil Tanker Rescues Fisherman Adrift in the Java Sea

The Wallem-managed LNG-fueled crude oil tanker Angleviken successfully rescued a fisherman who had been adrift for two days on the Java Sea. The tanker's captain spotted the man floating approximately 2.5 nautical miles from their position while navigating the area.
Responding quickly, the captain directed the vessel towards the fisherman and sounded the general alarm to mobilize the crew for the rescue operation.
The multinational crew, consisting of Ukrainian, Filipino and Indian seafarers, efficiently conducted the rescue, safely recovering the fisherman within 45 minutes. Their swift and effective actions ensured the safety of the distressed man.
The Angleviken, a 110,000 dwt crude oil tanker registered under the Liberian flag, was traveling from Etame, Gabon, to Balongan, Indonesia, at the time of the rescue.