Cruise Atlantic Islands Conference Unites Macaronesian Ports

The Cruise Atlantic Islands (CAI) Conference 2024 is set to take place in Funchal from September 26 to 28, drawing participants from Madeira, the Canary Islands, Cape Verde, and the Azores.
This event, held in the Municipal Assembly Hall, will be a significant milestone for the recently established International Association of Ports of the Macaronesian Islands.
Attendees will include industry stakeholders, government representatives, and the media, showcasing Funchal's unique role as the only Portuguese member of the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA).
“As a collective brand, CAI is already 30 years old and this conference aims to mark that anniversary and at the same time think about our joint future, at a time when we have taken an important step in the formalization and constitution of CAI, with headquarters in the Canary Islands,” said Paula Cabaço, president of Ports of Madeira (APRAM, SA).
Cabaço also emphasized the opportunities ahead: “There is a set of possibilities that we can now explore and that will allow us to face the new challenges that the sector presents in an even more robust and capable way,” citing dialogue with European institutions and the enhancement of CAI's position in the global cruise tourism market as key benefits of its formal establishment.
Beatriz Calzada Ojeda, president of the Port Authority of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, highlighted the collaborative spirit of CAI: “The CAI encourages the exchange of good practices and innovative solutions among its members, which strengthens the industry’s resilience in the face of global challenges. It plays a key role in the promotion and development of cruise tourism in this region, and by acting as a consortium that brings together several Macaronesian destinations, it facilitates cooperation between islands and promotes joint marketing strategies that position them in the international market.”