Finland is 43rd Member of Combined Maritime Forces Alliance

On April 17, 2024, the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF), the largest maritime security alliance in the world, announced Finland as its newest member, bringing the total number of participating nations to 43.
CMF Commander George Wikoff welcomed Finland's membership, praising the Finnish maritime community for its longstanding tradition of cooperation and professionalism.
The CMF, headquartered with a staff and five Combined Task Forces, is dedicated to combating terrorism and piracy, fostering regional maritime collaboration, and ensuring the safety of maritime passages and seafarers. These task forces adhere to international maritime regulations to maintain security and stability across crucial global shipping routes.
The CMF's various task forces are strategically deployed across different regions. CTF 150 focuses on maritime security across the Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman, and eastern Gulf of Aden. CTF 151 is committed to anti-piracy efforts, while CTF 152 operates within the Arabian Gulf. CTF 153 is tasked with securing the western Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, and the Bab al-Mandeb area. Additionally, CTF 154, established in May, aims to enhance security training within the region.