MSC Cruises Centralizes Crew Recruitment at Italian HQ

MSC Cruises has announced a major overhaul of its hiring process, moving all crew recruitment activities to its office in Sorrento, Italy. This change aims to streamline operations and boost efficiency, eliminating the role of recruitment agencies in Brazil for shipboard job applications.
According to an internal memo from MSC Crew Services, the Sorrento-based office will now be solely responsible for managing employment documents for returning crew members seeking contract renewals, as well as processing applications from new candidates. The company made it clear that no external agencies in Brazil or other countries will be authorized to collect resumes or advertise positions for ships operating internationally.
The internal memo also introduced the new HR team handling the process. The team is led by Giuseppe De Martino, South America Personnel HR Team Leader, with support from HR specialists Karina Lombardi, Daniela Iaccarino, and Alessandro Mirone.
MSC Cruises assured crew members that all job vacancies would continue to be posted on the official careers website at The company expressed gratitude to its diverse crew, highlighting their role in supporting the company's growth as its fleet continues to expand globally.
This move reflects MSC's ongoing efforts to centralize its recruitment strategy, ensuring a more efficient hiring process and improved communication as demand for skilled crew members rises.