Shipper Complaints at FMC Could Cost Liners Over $75M

The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) continues to receive a surge of shipper complaints, with recent filings potentially leading to more than $75 million in liabilities for shipping lines.
Nielsen & Bainbridge, a Texas-based home décor supplier, has lodged a complaint against Ocean Network Express (ONE), OOCL, Evergreen, and Yang Ming. The company accuses the carriers of failing to honor service commitments, using coercion to impose extracontractual surcharges and amendments to service contracts, and applying what it describes as “unreasonable” demurrage and detention charges. Notably, Nielsen & Bainbridge filed for bankruptcy in 2023.
Another complaint has been filed by Illinois-based furniture retailer Euromarket Designs. This case targets several carriers, including Mediterranean Shipping Company, ONE, Evergreen, HMM, Maersk, Cosco, and Wan Hai, among others.
The FMC has seen an unprecedented number of complaints during the period of record-breaking profits in liner shipping. Its authority was bolstered by the Ocean Shipping Reform Act passed in 2022.