French Dockworkers Escalate Protests Over Retirement Age

French port workers and dockers unions have intensified their demonstrations against the decision to raise the retirement age, implemented earlier this year. A series of strikes and work stoppages are planned across multiple ports throughout this month and next.
On January 23rd, a protest was held at Le Havre port, where approximately 80 union members stopped work for four hours. The strike caused significant disruption, halting ferry boarding for passengers and delaying freight operations. Similar action occurred at the Port of Calais, where workers joined in solidarity, prompting speculation that the strikes may extend to other ports.
The CGT Federation of Ports and Docks has released the schedule for upcoming demonstrations, with workers set to strike for four hours, from noon to 4 PM, on January 27th and 29th. Additionally, a 48-hour protest is planned for January 30th and 31st.
Further strikes are scheduled throughout February on the 4th, 6th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 18th, 20th, 24th, 26th, and 28th.
Union leaders have stated that the renewed protests are driven by the government’s lack of meaningful progress on pension reforms, despite two years of negotiations. The union asserts that their demands have gone largely unanswered, leaving workers frustrated.
Union representatives plan to reconvene on February 3rd to finalize strategies and determine the next steps for the ongoing demonstrations.